Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Detoxify your system

In medical circles, they call it detoxification. They also call it colon cleansing. As more and more food is consumed, there is a possibility that some of the food will not be digested. Instead, it sticks at the colon walls. In order to avoid colon cancer, the doctors will carry out detoxification.

Isn't it the case with us when we allow negative people to influence our lives to the point that we get infected with the cancer of life. We begin to die gradually. We begin to lose focus of our goals and dreams. We lose sight of the windows of opportunity that come our way.

This happens when we welcome negative people in our lives- people with a negative attitude towards life, people who have no goals to achieve, people who have nothing good to say to us apart from how difficult the economy is, people who take the energy out of us, people who dis-empower us.

You need to detoxify such people from your life. Do not open your doors for them. Keep off from the bad company; it ruins good morals. The late Jim Rohn would say, ' You are the average of five people you spend your time with.'

Keep off negative people lest you suffer from relational illness.

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