Thursday, October 30, 2014


Steve Covey said that the main thing is keeping the main thing the main thing. Many people never achieve their goals or fulfill their dreams even in a lifetime because of lack of focus. The major their major time on minor things and minor their minor time on major things.

90% of people are bothered with many trivial things that do not matter in their lives. They spent to much time thinking and taking actions on issues that do not add value to their lives.

Here is my advice: Major your major time on major things and minor your minor time on minor things. There are only a few things that can turn around your life. Focus on those. Apparently, these life-changing things that you should and must focus your time, emotions, finances, emotions and energies many not be more that three. What are your top 3 things that if you did them, the game of your life would change forever? That's a million-dollar question.

Inspired to inspire,


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